Specifications for texts to be published in "Rhodope" journal

Rhodope, the journal of the Department of Greek Philology, Democritus University of Thrace, is a digital publication. Articles considered for publication should be submitted as doc/docx files accompanied by a PDF file. Publications must be in Greek or in one of the main European languages (English, French, German, Italian or Spanish) and they should be submitted to The author’s affiliation, their e-mail, postal address, and a contact telephone number should be clearly indicated at the end of the article. Up to 6 keywords and an abstract of up to 150 words should also be included in the same language as the publication. For publications in Greek in particular, an abstract in one of the main European languages should also be included in addition to the Greek one.

General guidelines

  • Use of monotonic in Greek (except from ancient and medieval Greek quotations).
  • Length: up to 10,000 words including footnotes (but excluding the abstract).
  • Font: Times New Roman.
  • Line Spacing: 1,15 for the main text, 1,0 for footnotes.
  • Font size: 12 for the main text, 10 for footnotes.
  • No indent in the first paragraph of each section/subsection, but an indent of 0,75 cm in subsequent paragraphs.
  • Short prose quotations (up to three lines) should be incorporated into the main text with upright letters within double quotation marks (” “), and short metric quotations with italics without quotation marks (a change of verse should be indicated by /).
  • Longer prose quotations (more than three lines) and long metric quotations (four lines or more) should be written in upright letters, without quotation marks, centred and indented by 2 cm.
  • Omissions within quotations should be indicated by ellipses in square brackets.
  • Where there are quotation marks within quotation marks, use single ‘ ’ quotation marks for the inner quotation and double for the outer one “ ”, i.e. “‘ ’”. If further sets of quotation marks are needed, the authors should alternate between singe and double quotation marks, e.g. “ ‘ “ ” ’ ”.
  • No commas must be placed before hyphens or parentheses.

Bibliographical references:
Bibliography and footnotes

Bibliography is listed at the end of the article. References should follow Harvard style. Relevant examples following:


Simpson, A. (2013). Niketas Choniates. A Historiographical Study. Oxford.

Δημητρόπουλος, Ε. (1998). Εκπαιδευτική αξιολόγηση – μέρος πρώτο: η αξιολόγηση της εκπαίδευσης και του εκπαιδευτικού έργου (4η έκδ.). Αθήνα.


Noret, J. (1995). Notes de ponctuation et d’accentuation byzantines. Byzantion 65, 69-88.

Pérez Martin, I. (2005). Estetica e ideologia nei manoscritti bizantini di Platone. Rivista di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici 42, 113-35.

Popović, M. (2008). Zur Topographie des spätbyzantinischen Melnik. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 58, 107-119.

Δημαράς, Κ. Θ. (1977). Συγκρητισμός. Μνήμων 7, 35-45.

Bajaj, M. (2004). Human rights education student self-conception in the Dominican Republic. Journal of Peace Education 1, 1-16.



Καδιανάκη, Μ. (2002). Ετεροαξιολόγηση και αυτοαξιολόγηση ως μέσο διερεύνησης του επικοινωνιακού κλίματος της σχολικής τάξης: ποιοτική προσέγγιση. Στο Γ. Μπαγάκης (Eπιμ.), Ο εκπαιδευτικός ως ερευνητής. Αθήνα, 367-74.

Grünbart, M. (2009), Amplificatio et imitatio: Anonymus Marcianus ep. 6. In S. Kotzabassi, G. Mavromatis (Hrsg.), Realia Byzantina. Byzantinisches Archiv, 22. Berlin – New York, 2009, 43-6.

Fraser, B. (1998). Science learning environments: assessment, effects and determinants. In B. Fraser & K. Tobin (eds.), International handbook of science education. Dordrecht, 527-63.

Παπαδόπουλος, Ν., Αθανασιάδης, Η., Γιοκρούση-Κολς, Δ., Θερμός, Η. (1993). Το σχολικό κλίμα: θέσεις και κρίσεις των καθηγητών της δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης. Το Βήμα των Κοινωνικών Επιστημών, 10, 139-55.


Αναστασόπουλος, Δ. (2005, 8 Ιουνίου). Αναζητώντας το Νεπάλ. Ελευθεροτυπία, Α4.

Schwartz, J. (2003, September 14). Obesity affects social status. The Washington Post, 3-4.

Posner, M. (1993, October). Seeing the mind. Science, 262, 673-4.


Eurydice (2004). Evaluation of schools providing compulsory education in Europe. Available on

Taba, H. (2002). What is evaluation up to and up against in intergroup education. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 20, 3, 257-62. Available on


Κοττάκης, Μ. (2005). Ο μύθος της παραπαιδείας. Ανακτημένο στις 5-4-2005 από τον δικτυακό τόπο

Eurydice (2005). France: Primary Education. Eurybase. Retrieved on 3-6-2005 from

References should be given as footnotes at the end of the page (not endnotes), consecutively numbered and single-spaced. The footnote number in the main text should be placed after punctuation marks. References in footnotes follow the Harvard referencing system.


Simpson, 2013: 87-112.

Noret, 1995: 69-72; Pérez Martin, 2005: 113-18.

Δημητρόπουλος, (1998): 73-76.

Αναστασόπουλος, (2005, 8 Ιουνίου): Α4.

Καδιανάκη, (2002): 367-74· Παπαδόπουλος, Ν., Αθανασιάδης, Η., Γιοκρούση-Κολς, Δ., Θερμός, Η. (1993): 139-55.

Names of ancient authors and works should be abbreviated according to Montanari’s Σύγχρονο λεξικό της αρχαίας Ελληνικής γλώσσας for Greek articles and according to the Oxford Classical Dictionary (4th ed.) for all other languages.

Images are accepted in digital form, at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and in all major image file types (png, jpg, tiff, etc.). Each image must be accompanied by a caption. The author of the article is responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce and publish the image.